| 2023/9/19 17:24
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| 2023/9/19 17:23
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| 2023/6/15 12:11
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Learning is valuable than anything elseRead the book a thousand times and see its meaningRead more than ten thousand booksKeep your ears shut and only read sage booksThere is a house of gold in the book There is Yan Ruyu in the book
| 2019/2/25 22:37
| Views: 17
"If I died today, how would I feel about my life?"Life is fragile.A good friend of mine called me today and shared that his girlfriend's brother passed away last night. He was married, with two young children. He died of a massive heart attack in the m...
| 2020/5/17 22:41
| Views: 0
Obviously I miscalculated a few things.Why is it that the moment your life exceeds your wildest dreams.The knife appears in your back.Well I'll tell you one thing.I will never let them touch me.My neighbor must have open the door to complain.For a guy ...
| 2019/10/8 18:07
| Views: 0
The Wolf of Wall StreetThe world of investing.Can be a jungle.Bulls, bears, danger at every turn.That's why we at Stratton Oakmont.Pride ourself on being the best.Trained professionals.To guide you throughthe financial wilderness.Stratton Oakmont..Stab...
| 2019/9/27 9:04
| Views: 0
| 2019/9/27 9:02
| Views: 0
| 2019/9/27 8:59
| Views: 0
一切都正常? 我的工作还轮不到你插手Is everything in place? You weren't supposed to relieve me.说的也是,不过总想来看看I know, but I felt like taking a shift.喜欢上他了吧?想来守着他You like him, don't you? You l...
| 2018/5/16 11:05
| Views: 16
第一篇 阅读的层次
第二篇 阅读的第三个层次:分析阅读
第三篇 阅读不同读物的方法
第四篇 阅读的最终目标
| 2017/11/30 22:02
| Views: 119
The Meaning of Life The Meaning of Life is to L O V E.Someone told me I was crazy to try to describe the meaning of life. I replied that I‘m not crazy to suggest we can understand the meaning of life; when you think about it, the signs...
| 2017/11/30 22:00
| Views: 78
FOUR FOOLPROOF WAYS TO IMPROVE OUR LIVES, TODAY 当今改善我们生活的四种途径 So, my life is perfect. (Yeah.I wish!) Well, it isn‘t too bad. But can it be better? I‘ve been asking myself this question for several year...
| 2017/11/30 21:59
| Views: 82
Laughter is a key to happiness Laughter is a key to happiness. Yep, in fact, laughter is the most important aspect to being happy -- no Prozac required! We often forget that laughter is a very essence of our spirit. Laughter relates to ...
| 2017/11/30 21:58
| Views: 122
WHEN POLLED ACROSS THE NATION AS TO: "What Brings HAPPINESS?"These EIGHT items were listed as NOT being of major importance to maintaining lasting happiness(the Eight Delusional Desires for Prosperity):1. Wealth2. Physical appearance3. Age4. Power/Infl...
| 2017/11/30 21:57
| Views: 68
Yesterday ,someone asked me what is the greatest skill for successful salesperson to possess. I answered,“the ability to listen.“ He agreed with me.But the ability to listen isn’t only important in selling .It is als...
| 2017/11/30 21:57
| Views: 69
In my experiences with discovering life purpose it seems inevitable , in all cases , to come to grips with our past . We build up negative issues in our past and need to clear the clutter out in order to grow . I call this clearing process "Forgi...
| 2017/11/30 21:56
| Views: 126
The Joy of SOHO: Making a Life While Making a Living A Better Choice The next time you overhear a friend or coworker chattering excitedly about SOHO, don‘t assume that they are talking about New York. In today‘s business world SOH...
| 2017/11/30 21:55
| Views: 83
Here are the twelve steps to personal success in business: What do we call success? Should we let our company define this - nope! Define it our self! When I was in sales, I always took whatever quota my company gave me and either dou...
| 2017/11/30 21:54
| Views: 47
By Cynthia Burgess1996Living as I do in the middle of suburbia I am as misplaced as a water lily in the Mojave Desert. I am a woman who has chosen to remain childless. In this land of daycare centers, mini-vans and soccer teams I find myself surrounded...