晚9点 :: Article


Obviously I miscalculated a few things.

Why is it that the moment your life exceeds your wildest dreams.

The knife appears in your back.

Well I'll tell you one thing.

I will never let them touch me.

My neighbor must have open the door to complain.

For a guy with a 4 digit IQ, I must have missed something...

but I haven’t missed much.

I come this close to having an impact the world.

And now the only thing I have impact on. Was the sidewalk.

You seethat guy?

That was me, Not so long ago.

what kind of guy, without a drug or alcohol problem looks this way?

Only a writer.

strangely enough, nobody believe that! actually had a book contract.

He was disguised as a novel NF but it was really my personal manifesto.

individuals in the 21 century.

Creating a utopian society, where are all sort a...

It really is... It really is. A...

Today was the day, I gonna kick its ass.

Here we go, here we go...

It's gonna be great.

only need to invest time sifting in the room.

That's the key concept.

Don't leave the room.

A few weeks passed this way.

Maybe a few months.

At least I still had Lindi.

Just like that?

Come on, Eddie...

This is hardly a surprise.

I'm surprised.

Let's just not do this.

I am gonna hand in 90 pages tomorrow or friday...

if you just wait to see what she says.

- Eddie! - What?

I know how it's going. I am ... I was your girlfriend.

This word doesn't even begin to describe what you are to me.

Partner? Squeeze?

Paramour. Inamorata

Cleaning Lady. Bank.

Even so...

What's mine is yours too.

And you know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

In fact, I was thinking, that we should probably...

Don't propose!

Why not?

Because it worked out so "well" for you last time.

it's true, I was married once, right out of college to melissa.

I do.


This isn't working.

Well even though everything you said is true, I still love you.

I gotta get back to work.

You didn't even tell me what happened.

- I got it! - You did?

Hum, I am an editor.

I'll have my own assistant. You believe that?

Yea, Of course I believe you. You deserve it.


She was right. Why stick it out.

I had clearly missed my own chance.

We both knew what was backing.

The lower bunk of my childhood bedroom in Jersey.

My Father happy to welcome me into...

the challenging field of dental supply inventory.

Eddie Morra!

Of all the useless relationships better forgot and put away in mothballs.

Is there any more useless than the ex-brother in law?

Holy Shit, man! How long it's been? Nine years?

Are you alright? You look like you livin' on the streets.

What's going on?

Not much. Ehmm, I am writing... writing a lot.

Oh, you still trying to write?

In a matter of fact, I have a book contract

- Really? It's great. - Yes.

What abou you? Still dealing?

Do I look like I am still dealing?

No, you don't, no, no.

Come on, let's get a drink I wonna hear about this book.

I don't know, it's two o'clock in the afternoon.

And when does that ever stopped you?


So, so how is Melissa doing?

- Here you go. - Thanks.

I wouldn't know, I don't see her.

She moved upstate.

She got some internet-home-sales kinda job.

Couple of kids.

Couple of kids. Who is the husband?

He walked out on her, if you really wonna know.

What do you care, man?

You were married for like five minutes.

I don't wonna talk about her. I want to talk about you.

Tell me about this book. How's it going?

Well it's a.... I am behind, I am behind on my book...

- How much you already written of it? - Not one word.

- Creative problems, uhm? - Yeah.

I suppose, I can help you with that. Just this once.

Oh, no, no, no...

You do not even know what it is.

- You still dealing. - Brother, I am lightyears from that now.

I've been doing some consultung for a pharmaceutical company.

On a magic lab for fake viagra... come on.

No. This is an exclusive product. This coming on the streets next year.

Adopted by clinical tests and approved by the FDA.

Just out of curiosity and that's all...

Let me see.

What's in it?

They've identified these receptors in the brain that actived specific circus.

And you know how they say that we can only access 20% of our brain.

All of this does. It let you access all of it.

Vernon, look at me. Do I looked like you?

I'm broken, I'm depressed of my ass.

I do not think that my life can take some sudden of spring,

famous, fortune, by taking a shiny brags and drug.

Yes. When?

Tell him I can not do that.

No. Do tell. No, now!

I'm afraid I must leave you now.

But I really do wonna do this again, so call me.

And that's on the house.

I do not want it.

Do not be ungrateful.

You know how much it costs? 800 bucks. Pop!

You're welcome.

On the way home, I thought about Melissa.

How can she be a failure too?

She been so smart. Smarter than anyone around her.

Clearly, there was directline between this Eddie.

Slightly drunk at three o'clock and other things.

vomiting on the boss' desk...

or steal morphine of dying.

So who can blame Linda for dumping me.

In the end, how much worse could it get?

I don't want to see anybody.

Especially not my landlord's nasty young wife.

- Valerie, on Tuesday ... - No, enough, ok?

Steve handles the rent, so you can fed your crap to him!

I suddenly had extra reason to get away from her.

I had thoughtlessly ingested a substance.

Pay the damn rent!

I got remarkably little information from Veron about what this drug would do.

you can even be a biker messanger and come up with that .

What if it's a hallucinogen?

It's pathetic!

Oh My God!

Listening to her rag when I was triping, I would jump out of the window.

Hello? Are you listening to me?

Do you get it? You gonna be out on the streets!

And then I felt it.

I was blind, but now I see.

- What's wrong? - What?

You do not like me and I dont blame you.

You think I am a loser,

who doesn't pay his rent and is sponging out your husband.

You whishing I blow my brain out.

but my existence shouldn't make you this upset.

- What is it? - That's none of your business!

Something wrong in Law school?

How do you know I am in law school?

People normally not carrying around dry concipated academical books about a dead supreme court justice.

You are a creep! You been following me.

No, I just noticed the book.

You saw only a corner. How did you know that?

I've seen it before. 12 years ago in college...

sitting on the couch and wanted to make sex.

I was waiting for her coming out of the bathroom,

hoping she'd have a condom.

Somehow, my subconscious has served this up.

A memory I wouldn't even recorded.

It was there the whole time and all I need was the access.

If you writing a paper, thats not the book I'd use.

Who asked you?

Hasting has its own history, I'd start there.

Interesting point dramatically, this guy was an idiot...

which gives increased theory that one of the clerks he has fired actually wrote most this guy's major oponions.

You google the clerk's sons. They love to talk to you on their dad.

They give you something that no one else says.

So you have something that no one has... information from the museum show,

half read article some PBS docomentory.

It was all bubbling up of my front... mixing itself together...

into a sparkling cocktail of useful information.

She didn't have a chance.

So, what are your suggestions?

We really worked on her paper too.

In 45 minutes, it was a polish jam.

She was pleased.


But it couldn't be my home, could it!?

Who would live like this?

First thought was torching.

But, sanity prevailed.

What was this drug? I couldn't stay messy on it.

I hadn't had a cigarette in 6 hours, I hadn't eaten.

So, I am steamiest and tidy. What was this?

A drug for people, who wonna be more heino retentive?

I wasn't high, wasn't wired, just clear.

I knew what I needed to do, and how to do it.

The next morning, I send a little probe down into my brain.

No signs of brilliance came up to gravy.

In short, I was back.

But something remained.

- Are you kidding. - No

- Words have appeared on paper... - Yes.

- Written by you? - All I ask you to do, is to read 3 pages.

Just read 3 Pages in the next hour.

and if you don't want to keep reading, I give you back the advance.

OK, Eddie. Go ahead.

Eddie, give me a call, when you get in.

Eddie, I am 40 pages further in. call me.

This is a little crip odd, but I am still reading.

Ok, how did you do this?

I'd really like... call me the minute you get it! Call, ok?

- Who is it? - Vernon, its Eddie.

- Eddie who? - Morra.

Not a good time, Eddie.

Hey Vern, I just really need to talk to you.

- Vern, what happened? - Don't worry about it, I'm fine.

So, Eddie, you are interested after all.

The stuff is amazing.

Works better, if you are already smart.

Vernon, who did this to you?

Trust me, you do not want to know.

So what is this called?

Still no name on the street.

However, boys in the kitchen, are calling it NZT-48.

Boys in the "kitchen" ? Doesn't sound very FDA approved.

FDA-approved. That's a lie. You didn't believe this shit, did you?

OK, what we have here,

some unknown, untested, possibly dangerous drug...

scammed out of some unidentifed lab somewhere,

given to me by a highly unrealible guy I hadn't seen in years.

So do you want more?

Yes, definitely.

Alright, we'll talk about it. But I need a favour first.

Obviously, I am in no condition to go out right now.

So I was wondering if you could pop down...

at drycleaners and grab my suit for me.

And maybe grab a little breakfast for us.

He knew, he had me.


From now on, I'd be happily be his errand boy.

Wash his windows, scrab his toilets.

Anything I can do, to get my hands on this little clear pill...

that would bring back... enchanced Eddie.



Hi, I need to report... a murder.

OK, I won't.

It took them forever.

And the longer I stood there, the clearer I saw.

Vern had know, whoever had done this.

And one guess, what they have been looking for.

But have they found it?

Shit. You are a cook, I'd be dead too.

Police department. Open the door please.

Police department. Open the door.

Open the door please!

Police! Open the door!

Open the door!

- Let me see your hands! - No, no. I'm the caller. I called you guys!

So you guys been tight? Hang out a lot?

He is the brother of my ex-wife.

I met him on the street and he asked me to come up.

- To buy drugs? - No! No. What?

What did this guy do?

He was... I do not know. He was a...

He was a antiques dealer.

- A dealer? - Yes. Antiques.

Like a, like be any just kind of a... chairs.

You know lika a curved wooden legs, things.


That's correct.

Edward Morra. He is here.

The victim's sister.

I haven't heard her voice more than ten years.



You were there?

Just before I met him on the street, and... yeah.

Oh my God!

I wish, I was more surprised, he was involved in some stuff.

I better not to say any more.

No, no. It's a bad idea.

So we should probably meet or something, right?

I don't know. I gotta do the funeral and...

gods know what else something.

We can't meet, ok?

Ok, I guess I'll see you at the funeral then...

No! I don't, I don't want that. Please don't.

I'll call you with some point when this is over.

- Ok. All right. - Ok.

Something is not clear here. Put down your number.

We may contact you later.

Worth the risk?

What would you do?

Vern's cash, combined with unprecedented surge motivation...

enabled me to finish the book in 4 days.

A tablet a day, and what I can do with my day was limitless.

I learned to play the piano in three days.

Math became useful and fun.

I'm all in there.

Even half listing to any language had became fluid.

So Shakespeare empower mediocrity?

There is no argue with you.

This was great.

So mama has been doing research on Helen's tumors.

And it's totally clear that anybody will familiar with Dumas Pere Porthos...

should be suffer mining Platinum base double gradual mental,

if I could have some ciclopentane acid.

I suddenly knew everything about everything.

Of course, there is a temporary increase,

but then the collapse of the action is complete after two years.

No, cause there are safeguards.

Against the aggressive expansion?

There aren't. 'cause there are no safeguards in human nature.

We are wired to overreach.

Look at history, all the countries has rules and wall.

Portugal with his big massive navy.

All they got now are socks and cheap condoms.

Or the British in their costumes.

Nobody thinks: hey we are doing pretty well.

We got friends, we got home,

we got a big swiss bank account.

You know what? "Let's not invade Russia in winter.

Let's go home, let's pop a beer, let's live in all the interests".


My brain was full of such things.

Everything I've ever read, heard, seen...

was now organized and availible...

here it is, here you go.


Listen, I'm sure you have a portfolio but if not,

I'd be very interested working with you.

Good, Kevin.

I made new friends who invited me to the beach.

The beach... was not nearby.

All my fear, all my shyness... gone.

But it was not enough for me to relax.

only problem, if I wasn't moving forward.

I felt like I was going to explode.

- Anybody ever jumped? - Are you crazy?

- He is gonna do it. - No, he is not gonna do it.


Then I began to form an idea.

Suddenly, I knew exactly What I need to do.

It wasn't writing. It wasn't books.

It was much bigger than that

But it will take money to get there.

In the down market, nobody was making much.

But no one had NZT.

With Vern's last 800 Dollars, I made $ 2,000 in a day.

Next days, 7500.

It was too slow.

I'd need more capital.

Banks wont lending the guys like me.

He is in the corner back there.

Liv told you that I want a short-term loan?

Yes, and I said - forget it.


Because I never seen you before and I don't like you already.

Why would I give you 100,000 Dollars?

Because I quintuple my money 4 days in a row.

- So you got a fix on the game? - No, not a fix.

I was able to calculate, sir. In pattern of use geogrphics.

If you look at column four, This was the first...

You're good.

Ok, its a fix.

Yea, but when you get caught, what you gonna do then?

Well it's not as I if have a black book with your name in it,

and besides, I get the strong feeling that you are not somebody I want to disappoint.

Do not get up. I said don't get up, sit down!

Ok, you take this, and you are mine, you understand?

You don't pay, you know what we do?

I cut you at waist,

peel your skin up over your head and tie a knot in it.

You dont't die from this, You suffocate.

Good luck.

My new friend, Kevin Doyle show me how you can get...

two and a half time your cash at day trade firm.

I've been up the dose for over a week.

It seemd to cut my learning curve.

Why you buying this? The CEO ist just being indicted.

But not for the big fat defensive contract he bribed into.

That's still on.

It should be announced next week.

I was jacked in, booted up.

At the end of week, My brokerage account...

contained over two million dollars.

Word quickly got out.

You have 19 messages.

four job offers, My bank raising my let credit...

reporter from the New York Post...

Please call me back tomorrow, no one makes money that fast.

Article will be published with or without you.

And finally, Kevin Doyle trying to sound casual.

Edi, I was talking you to my boss and will be a possible have a...

We got you a meeting with Karl van Loon.

Karl van Loon wants to meet you?

Apparently so.

You know what's a finance gift.

What can you do for Karl van Loon?

Since when do you speak italian?

All has changed for the better.

I guess, someone gave me a wakeup call.

I hope you didn't do it for me.

No, I just wanted to apologize to you.

And let you know that apparently my capacity for self-sabotage wasn't boundless after all.

The real question is why did you ever put up with me?

I was in love with you.

So when does the book come out?

Next year. How is your new assistant?

She is good.

And... are you gonna getting a...

You know? I'm really happy you're here with me.

I'm proud of you.


And a little intimidated.

We started up again.

Her place.

My place.

Basiclly every place.

"In a seizing three days trading, the unknown Mr. Morra...

trumped the market, Prompting One Top Katron Mando to comment."

"He is Houdini, he is a prophet of our times. "

OK, give me that.

- He is god!? - You coming over later?

I can't. I don't have a key.

Oh, that's right.

Can I have it back?

I mean, does it have to be that key? Can it be a new key?

Our place.

It'll be cost-effective.

And you say I am not practical.

Can I walk you to work?

What are you doing, honey?


You should sleep.

Isn't your Van Loon meeting tomorrow?


Are you okay?

What are you doing here?

When is the last time you ate something?

Here it is. Nice Article on the post.

He is on his way.

Now be warned, he is mercurial.

One minute your best friend, the next you are lapper.

And he needs direct answers.

One mistake, and you have lost him forever.

I think we should act out some scenarios.

I am eating, Kevin.

Hey, are you ready for this?

Are you sure? 'cause I got a little bit line here.

Have a toast here.

- John. - Hi, Karl. Good to see you.

- How are you? - Eddie.

So, Eddie Morra, What is your secret?


I am on special medication.


There is a formula with a complex method,

but of course research was a component, massive research.

I knew absolutely everything, every move the companies that I bought.

Papers stack up like the Himalaya in my office.

And you know what?

- The stocks went up. - By a hair.

Sure the stocks rolls, but who wants to do all that work for...

a shitty little optic?

That's not the grow people expect from a short-time holding.

So I dispensed with the hard statics and went through to rumor mails.

So your investments are based on the tom-tom speaking industry?

Sure.The shareprice is not really basing how a company works.

Its about how mass psychology works.

So, if I found certail algorithms to predict how stocks grow...

Pattery-ignition, that's your psychology.

Well, not everybody understands the patterns.

And that give me a little bit more optic,

but it's a partly trick, so that why I went on Door Number 3.

Door Number 3: 美国德克萨斯州奥斯丁市的一家广告代理商

You really implying that it's some sort of ultimate formula?

He went from 12,000 to 2.3 million in ten days.

I do have a formula, Mr. Pierce.

Delusion of grandeur.

I have no delusion of grandeur. I have a actural recipe for grandeur.

I don't know who you are, Eddie. And what your game is.

But I'm sure one thing, you don't work in my world.

I was surrounded by investors...

and you have no lines which shows the pride and fear which is...

not the style I like yours any better,

but it is obvious picture you style which we haven't seen before.

Take a look this companies, tell me what do you think.

- Right now? - Yes. take your time.


These companies aren't the question, are they?


Unless you playing both sides of the fence...

control the whole power actual a lot.

No, these companies wouldn't get you there in a merging market.

You would have... Oh! wow!

This must be some big-ass merger you count to plating.

And there really only one company would love blame...

justify the merger with Van Loon associates.

Who've you been talking to?

Oh, I am just connacting the dots. Hank Ed Wood would really go for it?

Whether you are amazing con nor you are a so smart young man....

Come on! The two of you together...

The whole world have to come begging for...

energy like Hover Twisness blowed guru.

Now you going backwards. What else you got?


- It won't come off. - Why is that?

- You have to back off Lybia - Really?

But, you dont want here this in a car...

All right, you get your shout.

Meet me tomorrow for same ages at 10,

and tell me the guts little Shimark on it's right home. You structure this deals.

- And you better be prepared. - I am on your disposal.

You don't really live here, do you?

Well, the spartans won't bigger than mensenities.

Yeah, and they eventurally get their asses kicked.

I didn't go in. I wanted to walk, move, digest, ingest.

There are moments in life, moments, when you know,

you crossed the bridge, you old life is over.

van Loon was my bridge. Finally I had my shout.

Wall Street would be my steppingstone.

But how far can I go?

CEO? A global force? Maybe president.

Time cellody. Shook up the free world and got the things done.


there was another skip.

How had I gone the last 20 blocks?

I get another 10 blocks. And then...

I was way uptown.

What bar was this?

A fight?

I don't know how to fight.

or do I?

Set her fingers in her mouth.

Like this.

Attack vital Taek. Eyes, neck, intestines.

Whatever you do, do not end. Cut out the balance of your attacker.

disrupt the balance. Use the focus of your body.

When it finally stopped.

I couldn't account for the last 18 hours in my life.

Hey, It's me. I thought you'd coming over.

Is everything okay? Call me when you get there.

Even off NZT, I've decided to give Van Loon's files a shoot.

They were hieroglyphics.

- Hello? - Kevin, this is Eddie.

Listen, I can't make the meeting today.

What you talking about?

I can not come today. I'm sick.

You can't have the flu right now.

They never give this chance again.

I know, listen. I just...

I looked all this, otherwise.

What you've been doing last day?

Kevin, I...

Don't you get it? This is a test.

Yes, well. I can't pass the test right now.

And how may I know if you don't.

- I know, listen. I just... - Listen to me...

pull yourself together and get done to the meeting.

OK, ok. I'll be there, I'll be there.

- Hi. How are you? Eddie? - Good to see you again.

Sit down.

- What do you know about Henk Ed Wood? - Ed Wood...

He is an iconoclast...

owns about half of Colardo.

This is prepare, Eddy?

Is this Ed Wood one on one? And does everybody know about Ed Wood.

Where was he two years ago?


Two years ago, he wasn't even on Forbes' radar.

This is a great big forward, right?

I'm backward this guy,

comes out nowhere, so strong...

has been on the run before I could even get anybody in his camp.

beats me out of two properties, best companies in the north...

We are in the front of the hotel where a woman...

identified as Maria Vinberg, found dead last night in the room.

Police interrogated for several hours Employees at the hotel.

witness saw a man together with the victim.

How can we convince him to be in this game, got any ideas?

What do you think?

I guess you're not one of those guys, are you? Eddy.

We lose you if there's a screen in the room?

There are tectonic plates which are shifting right under us.

Hold on, one second.

Was it possible? Could I've kill someone.

Was it even me?

Edi? This is Melissa.

Did Veron give you something? Since these things are dangerous.


Can we meet somewhere I have to talk to you.

We talking now.

No, let meet at Billys on afternoon.

Edi, I can't.

Please, come.

This is important. I really need to know what you talking about.

I realized that there were other people, who might now about NZT.

Vernon's other clients.

Yeah, hi. Can I talk to Jerry Braden?

Jerry is in hospital.

- What is it? - Yea, he is not doing well at all.

Hello. Paul Kaplan is there?

It is not. Paul died three days ago.

God! Sorry.

He started getting headaches, then he collapsed at work.

Now he is in ICU.

Wish him all the best. Thanks.

Of all the people I called...

three were dead, and the rest were sick.





Do not tell me that I look good, Because I know.

I did not want to see me this way.

You look good.

Yes, I sorted to get myself together.

NZT will do that to you.

- What do you mean? - I mean I took it too.

- Vernie didn't tell you this, did he? - No.

When we he told me about this new drug I was like down the hedge...

and it was amazing.

I read Brian Green's The Elegant Universe in 45 minutes.

and I understood it.

My productivity has increased the sharply overnight.

And my boss started to hate me.

They offered me his job. Then I got scared.

- Why? - Why. Because I am not stupid.

Nobody can operate at that level of mental activity and not crush.

I stopped taking it.

- And? - And I got sick.

Headaches, throwing up. So I went back to Veron.

He talked me about alle the people that would die.

- How much you've been taking? Eddie. - I'm taking a lot.

Maybe, maybe they worked out bugs.

Maybe it's different batch.


- You off it right now, aren't you? - Just finish the story.

I didn't take anymore and I didn't die.

After a time I realized that...

I can't concentrate on to anything longer than 10 minutes.

I missed deadlines, got lazy, slow, so slow.

That was two years ago.

I haven't been the same since.

You have some left? Good.

You go home and take it, reduce the dose, don't just stop,

You'll die, if you just stop.

Try to take if off. Otherwise, the headaches are just beginning.

I have to go.

- Do you know who produces them? - I do not know.

I have to go.

- Oh, shit! - Listen, listen. Listen to me.

- You forget about me? - No.

- I am here now. - Good.

-Come forward. -I can write a chque.

Chque! Chque! Are you out of your mind?

What do you think I am? Some financial institutions?

You're right. Maybe I just go to the bank.

Where did you got that?

- What is it? - It's just aspirin.

I have not seen such aspirin.

It's something good, hum?

I feel good, man. What's in this stuff?

It's just errr... vitamins with aspirin.

Holy shit, Eddie baby.

Lindi, he is not allowed to enter, but I could not stop him.

- Tyler, I have to go. - I'm sick.

I'm sorry! I couldn't make it home.

- You go to the hospital. - No, no, no...

I want you to do something for me. I need my pills.

- Eddie, what kind of pills? - Honey, it's complicated.

What did you take? Are you on drugs?

I had no choice. I told Lindi everything.

So all these energy of yours, all this focus has been a drug?

I thought it was approved.

I have a supply stash.

- You want me to go get it. - No, I'm gonna go get it.

Give me your keys. I go to the apartment.

It's not in my apartment. I moved them.

Ok. So where did you move it?

In my house.


- You got it? - Yeah.

There someone following me.

- Are you sure? - Yeah.

He got into a cab behind me and he's making every turn I'm making.

Baby, call the cops.

Can you got around him?

- What happened? - We stopped.

He is getting out...

Eddie, he is walking over here.


Oh, god!



This man is chasing me. He followed me from my building.

I don't know him. Please!

Leave her alone.

Are you deaf? I said, leave her alone!

Buddy, are you trying to piss me off?

What are you doing, man?

- Are you still there? - Yeah, I'm here. What happen?

- I'm stuck. He'll find me. - Ok, stop talking and don't move.

- He killed two guys. - What?

- He's gonna kill me, too. - No, no, no.

Can you see him?

No, not yet.

I do not know what to do.

I need you to open the bag and take one of those pills.


because you know what to do. You take it then you know.

He has a knife, Edi. I can't think my way out of a knife.

Just listen to me, it come out in 30 seconds.

And you think your way out. That's what it does.

He is getting closer.

Linda, I love you.

Now get back to me.

What happened?

Edi, my dear. It's gonna be ok.

You got get out here.

Are you okay?


I'm so sorry for everything that happened.

I want you to know you that you'll never ever have to go thourgh this again.

Cause I can take care of us now.

I'm sure you can.

I can make it safe. I'm back, ok?

- Who is back? Eddie. - Me.

No! It's not you. You were different before.

I am still the same person.

I wasn't when I was on it.

I did things that I would never do.

Those things saved your life.

- But there weren't me. - Yes. There were, nor the where was.

I know how it workes.

I get it, I totally get it. you fell invincible.

Where it will take us that you can't even imagine.

The things we will be able to do.

Where we will be in a year from now.

What kind of life that we'll finally be able to live?

Will you might live it without me?

Look, I'll stop taking them.

There are some things I need to do to keep us safe and then set us up.

And then I gonna get off it. That's the plan.

I have a plan. I swear I'm gonna get off it.

I hope you do.

Looking for me?

You think you can run away from me?

You think, I dont know who you are?

I was under the impression, our business is finished.

Well I wish some more of this stuff, or I shoot you right here.

And take a pic.

This guy was not gonna go away.

A few pills would buy me some time.

- Here it is. We're done. - We'll see.

Until I found a more... permanent solution.

Unless you see a real threat I never wonna know...

that I have any security.

You never perceive me. You'll always follow me.

Never wander 15 steps behind.

And never stand to close together,

I wonna be able to look behind me if the opportunity persents itself.

And don't wear the same color of suit. This isn't the matrix!

You have to know Eddie, I wrote you up.

- I was sick. - You don't get sick.

You playing at this level, you get hit by a car you don't even die.

- You're absolutely right. - I know I'm right.

I mean, I didn't know who or what I was talking to.

- I sent over revised projections. - I didn't ask your projections...

I know, but I think If you look at them...

I already have. There is matter in fact.

I fired a few people over here projections.

- I'm sorry. - No, you're not.

You reliefed, you know things that my team has missed.

The minute, the instant... That's no longer true?

Two months after I started NZT.

I was brokering the biggest merger in corporate history.

Ironically, it's gonna be cruel, cruel just gonna be the word hates me.

Which is your expected profit by 200 percent.

And makes both of us are very happy chambers.

I found out that if I take the same dose remember to eat,

drink no alcohol the blackouts didn't occur.

Tom, is it possible to construct a secret pocket?

- On this? - In all of them.

Certainly, sir.

My Supplies is now safe,

I had to take care that it doesn't run out.

I can combine these ingredients in the same relation,

but the reaction on the brain...

Dark, it's dark work.

- Meaning? - Needs clinical experiments. guinea pigs, people.

It would take too long.

This is what it is. Otherwise, you kill people.

You need 12-18 months.

I'll give you two million dollars If you can do it in 6.

It could cost you 30%.

Execuse me for one second.

I thought we straightend this up, detective.

This isn't about Veron again, Mr. Morra.

And what is this about?

The suspect in the case of Vinberg, is this person?

You want tell me where about at night April 2nd?

I couldn't keep this quite on my own.

Brant Morris, the most lethal lawyer in New York.

You are lucky, somebody wiped the room.

In the best case, These are unconvincing evidence.

Just between us, were you there?

I don't remember.

Karl van Loon and Henk Ed Wood they had no idea...

that I could soon be charged with murder.

But Cicorps and another are jacking

for the same industrial concession in Lybia.

Both of our companies are pretending, we are not sniffing out.

How do you know this?

The governmental bribes system is itself corrupt.

So course, information, banks working. Like Anything can be bought.

Go on.

If you take a look at the lower left column in 2008,

five companies were jacking for premission...

before we even took notice.

Jesus, he looks froze.

- Could be an act. - He is not even 60.

So have you decided, Eddie? What you gonna do.

- This is over? - I do not know.

- You haven't give me the answer. - You haven't ask the question.

Well, given the skill and my contribution, let's say 45.

You know, Eddie,

you might think that you will not work for me anymore.

It was a useful experience.

I hope so. I hope that does not mean you have enough of me.

Armed to the next...

Well, in order for a career to evolve, I have to move on.

And that you even think that, shows me...

you won't be prepared to be on your own.

I mean, you do know, you're a freak.

Your way is a gift from God or luck or biological heritage.

A gift. not earned.

You do not know what I know, because you have not earned those powers.

You'll kill us with those powers.

You throw them around like a child.

You did not have to climb up an uneven path.

You have not collected the funds.

you haven't done the time that first merriage a girl with the right father.

You think you can go over all this.

You haven't bribed, charmed or threaten your way to sit at that table.

You never experienced competition, because you haven't competed.

Don't make me your competition.

Now I'll open up a line of credit for you. You've been wanted your few "toys".

Hotel rooms were no longer an option.

What I needed, was a bunker.

The building was constructed in a safe, central control,

armored doors with air lock.

It's unparellel 3 tier security system.

Fortress with a hell of a view.

- What is the asking price? - 8.5 million.

I'll take it.

Right away, it was obvious , he was on NZT.

Next week, I gonna need 20 pills.

Next week, you can go fuck yourself.

Not that you feel anything.

I don't think your fortune 500 finacial friends...

would appreciate the details of your little dilemma with the police.

Thursday, I am gonna need the pills here.

Getting smarter...

Obviously, this can not go on.

But there is very little on this earth...

that 40 million dollars can't solve.

Tomorrow at 9:00, Ed Wood would sign the papers.

Do you wonna call them?

- Coryza? - It's all last night for tell us that.

- Anything? - I call again, sir.

Okay, the decision could change. That make sense that's the curtsy doesn't.

It's still on.

Oh, basing on your charts and projections?

Maybe you remind me, who are you anyway?

I'm sorry, Karl. this guy is pissing me off.

- Because the... - Dunham, pull it back.

Excuse me. Mr. Van Loon, Missis Ed Wood is in your office.

Mrs. Ed Wood. Karl Van Loon. My associate, Mr Morra.


- I wanted to make this as confidental as possible. - Of course.

My husband has experienced some pain and dizziness this morning.

He is currently analyzed, and going tests.

I just want you to know we have every intention of signing the contract.

And as soon as he is able, we will proceed.

I realize that this is a useless platitude, but if there is anything we can do...

dont't hesitate to tells us.

We want to provide you with any help, ma'am Ed Wood.

Thank you, gentlemen. I relay on your digression.

There would be approximate.

A person like him giving away the power for turning?

Hope he will get better.

But Ed Wood wouldn't get better. Because Ed Wood was out of NZT.

Why would me surprised?

I wonder how many other successful people might be explained by NZT?

At least I had some. My life wasn't in jeopardy.

And we at here.

Only my money, and my liberty.

I've been all over them.

We can not allow any disparity in race or physical type.

between you and the rest of the suspects.

they are close to your clones as its possible as you could get.

It's gonna be just one big handsome blur's guy.

Who was out there?

Woman's husband?

Hotel maid?

Was this how it's going to end?

Nothing in this clue, he was dizzying.

"He was the third from the right. No, not him." Here you go.

This thing is a beauty. custom-made?

I did.

Market speculates today. The doubt has been yo-yo in this speculation at...

Van Loon associates and Henk Ed Wood are negotiating about a merge.

Have you been talk to anyone?

I haven't been talk to anybody, Karl. I'm not stupid!

I know that you're not stupid but don't make the classic smart person's mistake.

Do you think that there is none smarter than you.

Where the hell have you been?

This is the second time and the disappearance.

I was in the building. I was getting coffee. Why? Is it been a moment?

Yes, It's been a moment alright. Ed Wood is in a coma.

He wasn't playing us, he is dying.

What do you know about this?

I was less than usually equipped answer.

I noticed, that I was overdue to take my NZT.

And the pain was starting behind my eyes.

Excuse me.

You are not excused.

Your employees aren't allowed to take a piss, Karl?

It was Brant, or someone else the police station, cloakroom.

Mr Morra...

Mr Morra! This just came for you.

I ask you again, Eddie. What do you know about this?

- What about? The leak? - No, about Ed Wood.

What about Ed Woodu?

You got a long way to go as a liar.

Karl, I do not know what...

Listen, what you about to say is bullshit!

There is something you hiding from me, I smell it on you!

Right now, I want to know why is this cluster fuck of deal is dead in the water!!


Today, near the Lennox Hill Hospital today,

more twisting terms about van Loon - Ed Wood merger.

There is absolutely no truth to the rumor of this merger.

None whatsoever.

My husband is having tests and it's a difficult time.

We would be appreciate you directing further questions to our returning.

Err, yes. We have no further comments at this time.

We are waiting for results of Ed Wood's test,

and hoping for the best.

Eddie, I know you're there, Eddie.

Come out.

Come on!

Open the door.

And so, here I am.

I knew that they will kill me slowly and horrible.

But this choice would at least be mine.

But we are instinct creatures.

We want to live.

so my foggy brain tried to remember...

where one tablet of NZT might be...

It was possible,

and possible was enough.

Hi, Eddie.

You know, I want more, so why would you upset me?

I don't like being dumped of this last one.

You do not even know how to use it.

You see, I have dissolved a solution.

You shoot it.

It goes right into the blood and brain.

It lasts much longer.

Are you gonna tell me where the rest is?

No, probably not.

You know, these guys are gonna find it...

Or I gonna make you tell me.

The question is, which is gonna come first.

I guess, we'll find out.

This is a waste of my time, you know.

And I am gefting out of this side of the business...

I'm starting import-export company.

Very exiting stuff.

I got a lot on my plate, you're lucky I am here.

Back in the old times. I might peel your skin back, flay you.

Flay. That's a nice word, I didn't notice before.

I had such a poor vocabulary.

But then I discovered this thing: Google.

Did you know that the colon is 20 foot long?

I had no idea, I don't believe it.

I gotta see this for myself. I am dubios. It's another nice word.

Anyway. I am sure you're curious too.

Do not worry, everything is sterilized.

I gonna keep you alive for the whole fun.

You gonna get a reserved place in front, baby!

Not much of a try and fuzzy. because I would die here too.

only NZT could help me...

and the last one was in this pug's bloodstream.



I do not see anything!


The police will later know that my appartment privious owner...

was an arms dealer.

Of course with some disstatisfied clients.

And the night was still young.

I'm sure you're curious about What happened to your boss.

I certainly am.

I mean if my turning was really working for saving Mr. Ed Wooda's life,

Why is he dead?

I mean what point was the point to expressible riding with his life sitting medication?

His boss was dead.

So I didn't matter now.

But he didn't appreciate that Moris Brant had kept the pills for himself.

And it was all still possible.

Actually there're no more tickets.

Yes, I know. And over booked fund raisers at first.

Well, here he comes. I'll ask him.

- Oh, that's much better. Great job! - Thank you, sir.


I taken a looking at second overflowed band.

A wave of donations is coming in. And all are just happy to keep their money.


Hold on. A guy from Iven Camcorps in your office.

I have a lunch.

You have two minutes yet for your main sponsor.

- Iven Camcorps pharmaceuticals? - Yes.

Finally meet the guy who keeps the lights on.

- Karl? - Mr. Morra.

What a surprise!

They told me that someone comes from Iven ...

Yes, thats me now. I am moving out of the energy business.

Come on!

That's like Hefner move out of the mansion.

I bought Iven several months ago. I'm surprised you didn't hear.

No, no! Well... I gonna keep me up here.

That's gonna pay off, Senator Morra.

The Senate... Who knows?

Anything is possible from here, isn't it, Eddie?

I think we both know where it's heading if you can maintain.

Have you asked yourself, what you gonna do when you run out?

- What did you know? - Does it matter? I know now.

I wish you'd come to me at first, Eddie.

I could have bought Iven at 33 a share.

We could have been partners.

So Iven makes NZT.

Well. It'll never officially exist.

Obviously, I don't need to point out the advantages for you.

Oh I think, maybe you do.

Unlimited supply. We know, you can't get anymore.

Are you sure about that?

I shut down your lab this morning.

Eddie, I just want to help you, that's all.

Keep your supply, no distraction service. Give a piece of mind, that's all.

In return I do what?

Give a little advice maybe, I won't be bother you much at first.

Later. What would bother me with?

We have some ambitious ideas, We think that is achievable.

- And if I don't like your ideas? - Then, we'll say godspeed.

And your candle will shatter brief of lovely light.

Do you know what I mean? Eddie. Let's not go there right now.

Right now, I just want to keep you brillant and healthy.

Come on, let's go get some lunch.

After you, Senator.

Thanks for your stand by, Karl.

Give us a second.

What are you doing?

Do you want to be president of United States?

Or braindead, stuck full of tubes?

I'll take my chances.

I told you, your chance don't exist. We have shut down your lab.

Don't you think the smartass who created NZT...

might have 3, 4 other labs?

So what. You're not making anymore.

That's right. I got something better.

See once you know what's in it you can tweak, re-engineer, get the bugs out.

I am off, Karl.

Even so, there is no scenario you are not gonna work for me.

How you gonna pay me? In cigarettes?

- Last year you traded insider information 17 times. - You threating me?

Like cheques from Dubai, dumping in Chile, disappeared officals.

Do you want a war with me?

Trust me when I say this I am not even being creative.

There's no way you can make accusations like that and walk out alive.

Then you would even think that's yours. I want to prepare you want to fight me.

You are no longer equipt to fighe me.

Do you think I didn't learn anything?

My story does not mention you on it?

You have no idea what kind enemy I am...

That van is going rear on that taxi.


The driver writes a text message and go 80 km per hour.

He must have points with braking at 18 meters from a taxi!

I see everything, Karl.

I'm 50 moves ahead of you and everybody else.

What make you think I don't have a guy with bid on you right now?

How do you know that you will be alive next year this time?

What are you doing? Put your hands off me!

Heart is pumping with half power Walls of your heart are dilated.

Aorta is in motion. Soon you need this replaced.

You already knew that.

You know you should be glad about this.

Cause me working for you, you'll end up as my bitch.

Maybe we should cool off and talk again.

I don't think so.

Don't forget to vote.

Edward, you good?

Yeah, told you I have a lunch.

- I am sorry, baby. - Hey, don't worry.

- How's your day gone? - Perfect better.

I still can't get used to this haircut.

I wouldn't even recognize you on the street.

All I am a new man.

I've already ordered.

Can I have Szechuan dandan noodle. 2 Crullers with lard.

Stir fried lobster with spring onion.

I don't want MSG in any dishes.

Neck scarf will keep your suit clean.

But it can't keep my hans clean.


Obviously I miscalculated a few things.
Why is it that the moment your life exceeds your wildest dreams.
The knife appears in your back.
Well I'll tell you one thing.
I will never let them touch me.
My neighbor must have open the door to complain.
对于智商上千的我来说 肯定错过了一些东西
For a guy with a 4 digit IQ, I must have missed something...
but I haven’t missed much.
I come this close to having an impact the world.
然而现在唯一能做的 看来只有撞击人行道
And now the only thing I have impact on. Was the sidewalk.
You seethat guy?
That was me, Not so long ago.
what kind of guy, without a drug or alcohol problem looks this way?
Only a writer.
strangely enough, nobody believe that! actually had a book contract.
他是一种新型变型核因子 真的是我个人创作
He was disguised as a novel NF but it was really my personal manifesto.
individuals in the 21 century.
创建一个乌托邦社会 我们都是某种...
Creating a utopian society, where are all sort a...
这真是... 这真是个...
It really is... It really is. A...
Today was the day, I gonna kick its ass.
灵感来吧 来吧
Here we go, here we go...
It's gonna be great.
只需要投入时间 坐在房间里
only need to invest time sifting in the room.
That's the key concept.
Don't leave the room.
A few weeks passed this way.
Maybe a few months.
At least I still had Lindi.
Just like that?
算了吧 爱迪...
Come on, Eddie...
This is hardly a surprise.
I'm surprised.
Let's just not do this.
I am gonna hand in 90 pages tomorrow or friday...
if you just wait to see what she says.
-爱迪 -什么?
- Eddie! - What?
我知道事情将会怎样 我是 曾经是你的女朋友
I know how it's going. I am ... I was your girlfriend.
This word doesn't even begin to describe what you are to me.
伙伴 借贷公司
Partner? Squeeze?
恋人 情妇
Paramour. Inamorata
清洁工 提款机
Cleaning Lady. Bank.
Even so...
What's mine is yours too.
我会给你所有我将来拥有的 甚至后半生
And you know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
其实我有想过 我们也许应该...
In fact, I was thinking, that we should probably...
Don't propose!
Why not?
Because it worked out so "well" for you last time.
的确如此 我刚毕业就和梅利莎结婚了
it's true, I was married once, right out of college to melissa.
I do.
This isn't working.
虽然你说的都是事实 但我仍然爱你
Well even though everything you said is true, I still love you.
I gotta get back to work.
You didn't even tell me what happened.
-我得到那份工作了 -真的?
- I got it! - You did?
真的 我现在是名编辑
Hum, I am an editor.
有自己的助手 相信吗?
I'll have my own assistant. You believe that?
当然相信 你应得的
Yea, Of course I believe you. You deserve it.
她当时是对的 为什么要容忍?
She was right. Why stick it out.
I had clearly missed my own chance.
We both knew what was backing.
在新泽西州老家 在我房间的下铺
The lower bunk of my childhood bedroom in Jersey.
My Father happy to welcome me into...
the challenging field of dental supply inventory.
Eddie Morra!
Of all the useless relationships better forgot and put away in mothballs.
最好把他忘记 我的前小舅子
Is there any more useless than the ex-brother in law?
这么巧 多久没见了? 九年了
Holy Shit, man! How long it's been? Nine years?
你还好吗? 看起来你像个流浪汉
Are you alright? You look like you livin' on the streets.
What's going on?
没什么 我在写作
Not much. Ehmm, I am writing... writing a lot.
Oh, you still trying to write?
事实上 我跟书商已经有合约
In a matter of fact, I have a book contract
-真的? 那很好 -是的
- Really? It's great. - Yes.
你呢 还在做药品生意?
What abou you? Still dealing?
Do I look like I am still dealing?
不不 当然不
No, you don't, no, no.
走吧 去喝一杯 聊聊你的书
Come on, let's get a drink I wonna hear about this book.
下午2点 太早了吧
I don't know, it's two o'clock in the afternoon.
And when does that ever stopped you?
So, so how is Melissa doing?
-给你 -谢谢
- Here you go. - Thanks.
我不可能知道 没见她
I wouldn't know, I don't see her.
She moved upstate.
She got some internet-home-sales kinda job.
Couple of kids.
2个孩子 丈夫是谁?
Couple of kids. Who is the husband?
真想知道的话 那个人已经离开了她
He walked out on her, if you really wonna know.
你会在乎吗 老兄
What do you care, man?
You were married for like five minutes.
我不想谈她 说说你吧
I don't wonna talk about her. I want to talk about you.
Tell me about this book. How's it going?
比原定计划慢了 没赶上进度
Well it's a.... I am behind, I am behind on my book...
-你写多少了? -一个字也没写
- How much you already written of it? - Not one word.
-创作问题是吗 -是的
- Creative problems, uhm? - Yeah.
我想我可以帮忙 只此一次
I suppose, I can help you with that. Just this once.
别 别 别...
Oh, no, no, no...
You do not even know what it is.
-你还在买卖药品 -兄弟 我一早就转行了
- You still dealing. - Brother, I am lightyears from that now.
I've been doing some consultung for a pharmaceutical company.
在地下工厂造假伟哥 算了吧
On a magic lab for fake viagra... come on.
不 这是一个独家产品 明年上市
No. This is an exclusive product. This coming on the streets next year.
通过了临床试验 已得到联邦食品药监局认可
Adopted by clinical tests and approved by the FDA.
Just out of curiosity and that's all...
Let me see.
What's in it?
They've identified these receptors in the brain that actived specific circus.
And you know how they say that we can only access 20% of our brain.
All of this does. It let you access all of it.
弗恩 看着我 我跟你一样吗?
Vernon, look at me. Do I looked like you?
我虽然萎靡不振 意志消沉
I'm broken, I'm depressed of my ass.
I do not think that my life can take some sudden of spring,
发生突然转变 变得出名 富有
famous, fortune, by taking a shiny brags and drug.
是的 什么时候
Yes. When?
告诉他 我不能这样做
Tell him I can not do that.
不 你告诉他 就现在
No. Do tell. No, now!
I'm afraid I must leave you now.
但我真的还想再跟你聊聊 打电话给我
But I really do wonna do this again, so call me.
And that's on the house.
I do not want it.
Do not be ungrateful.
你知道价格吗 一颗8百美元 吓人吧
You know how much it costs? 800 bucks. Pop!
You're welcome.
回家的路上 我想着梅利莎
On the way home, I thought about Melissa.
How can she be a failure too?
她很聪明 比身边的任何人都聪明
She been so smart. Smarter than anyone around her.
Clearly, there was directline between this Eddie.
Slightly drunk at three o'clock and other things.
vomiting on the boss' desk...
or steal morphine of dying.
So who can blame Linda for dumping me.
说到底 一颗药丸还能让我糟到哪里去
In the end, how much worse could it get?
I don't want to see anybody.
Especially not my landlord's nasty young wife.
-瓦莱丽 周二 -够了 够了
- Valerie, on Tuesday ... - No, enough, ok?
史帝夫来收租金的话 你可以跟他瞎编
Steve handles the rent, so you can fed your crap to him!
I suddenly had extra reason to get away from her.
I had thoughtlessly ingested a substance.
Pay the damn rent!
I got remarkably little information from Veron about what this drug would do.
you can even be a biker messanger and come up with that .
What if it's a hallucinogen?
It's pathetic!
Oh My God!
发作的时候还要听她说话 我可能会跳窗
Listening to her rag when I was triping, I would jump out of the window.
回神 你在听我说吗
Hello? Are you listening to me?
知道吗 你很快会被赶出去
Do you get it? You gonna be out on the streets!
And then I felt it.
I was blind, but now I see.
-怎么回事? -什么?
- What's wrong? - What?
你不喜欢我 我不怪你
You do not like me and I dont blame you.
You think I am a loser,
who doesn't pay his rent and is sponging out your husband.
You whishing I blow my brain out.
but my existence shouldn't make you this upset.
-究竟什么原因? -不关你的事
- What is it? - That's none of your business!
Something wrong in Law school?
How do you know I am in law school?
People normally not carrying around dry concipated academical books about a dead supreme court justice.
You are a creep! You been following me.
不 我看到那本书
No, I just noticed the book.
你只看到了个书角 怎么会知道
You saw only a corner. How did you know that?
我以前看到过 12年前上大学时
I've seen it before. 12 years ago in college...
sitting on the couch and wanted to make sex.
I was waiting for her coming out of the bathroom,
hoping she'd have a condom.
不知怎的 我的潜意识
Somehow, my subconscious has served this up.
A memory I wouldn't even recorded.
It was there the whole time and all I need was the access.
如果你想写论文 这本书不合适
If you writing a paper, thats not the book I'd use.
Who asked you?
就从那儿开始吧 黑斯廷处理过很多案子
Hasting has its own history, I'd start there.
Interesting point dramatically, this guy was an idiot...
which gives increased theory that one of the clerks he has fired actually wrote most this guy's major oponions.
你用谷歌搜索他秘书的儿子 他们很乐意谈论自己的父亲
You google the clerk's sons. They love to talk to you on their dad.
They give you something that no one else says.
So you have something that no one has... information from the museum show,
half read article some PBS docomentory.
知识点就会出现在眼前 并且自己融汇
It was all bubbling up of my front... mixing itself together...
into a sparkling cocktail of useful information.
She didn't have a chance.
So, what are your suggestions?
We really worked on her paper too.
In 45 minutes, it was a polish jam.
She was pleased.

这不可能是我的家 可能吗?
But it couldn't be my home, could it!?
Who would live like this?
First thought was torching.
But, sanity prevailed.
这是到底是什么药? 我不敢相信
What was this drug? I couldn't stay messy on it.
我已经6个小时没有抽烟 也没进食
I hadn't had a cigarette in 6 hours, I hadn't eaten.
但我感觉神清气爽 究竟是什么?
So, I am steamiest and tidy. What was this?
A drug for people, who wonna be more heino retentive?
我没有幻觉 不觉得怪异 只觉得头脑清醒
I wasn't high, wasn't wired, just clear.
我知道需要做什么 怎样做
I knew what I needed to do, and how to do it.
第二天早上 当我开始思索时
The next morning, I send a little probe down into my brain.
No signs of brilliance came up to gravy.
In short, I was back.
But something remained.
-你在开玩笑吗? -没有
- Are you kidding. - No
-白纸生出字来? -是的
- Words have appeared on paper... - Yes.
-你写的 -您看3页吧
- Written by you? - All I ask you to do, is to read 3 pages.
Just read 3 Pages in the next hour.
如果你读不下去 我退还您的预付款
and if you don't want to keep reading, I give you back the advance.
行 爱迪 忙你的去
OK, Eddie. Go ahead.
爱迪 到家给我打个电话
Eddie, give me a call, when you get in.
爱迪 我读了40多页 给我打电话
Eddie, I am 40 pages further in. call me.
这的确有点意思 我仍在读
This is a little crip odd, but I am still reading.
好吧 你是如何办到的?
Ok, how did you do this?
我真的喜欢 到家赶快给我来电 好吗
I'd really like... call me the minute you get it! Call, ok?
-是谁? -弗恩 是爱迪
- Who is it? - Vernon, its Eddie.
-哪个爱迪? -莫拉
- Eddie who? - Morra.
来的不是时候 爱迪
Not a good time, Eddie.
弗恩 我真的需要的和你谈谈
Hey Vern, I just really need to talk to you.
-弗恩 发生了什么 -别担心 我没事
- Vern, what happened? - Don't worry about it, I'm fine.
爱迪 你终于感兴趣了?
So, Eddie, you are interested after all.
The stuff is amazing.
Works better, if you are already smart.
弗恩 谁把你打伤的?
Vernon, who did this to you?
Trust me, you do not want to know.
So what is this called?
Still no name on the street.
However, boys in the kitchen, are calling it NZT-48.
厨子 听起来没得到药监局批准
Boys in the "kitchen" ? Doesn't sound very FDA approved.
药监局批准? 那都是骗人的 你会相信?
FDA-approved. That's a lie. You didn't believe this shit, did you?
好了 我了解到的是
OK, what we have here,
一个很久不见 极不可靠的家伙
some unknown, untested, possibly dangerous drug...
scammed out of some unidentifed lab somewhere,
given to me by a highly unrealible guy I hadn't seen in years.
So do you want more?
要 肯定要
Yes, definitely.
好的 我们谈谈 不过我现在需要你帮忙
Alright, we'll talk about it. But I need a favour first.
你瞧 这个样子我可没法出去
Obviously, I am in no condition to go out right now.
So I was wondering if you could pop down...
at drycleaners and grab my suit for me.
And maybe grab a little breakfast for us.
He knew, he had me.
从现在起 我会高兴的听他差遣
From now on, I'd be happily be his errand boy.
帮他擦窗 洗厕所
Wash his windows, scrab his toilets.
替他做任何事 只为得到他的药丸
Anything I can do, to get my hands on this little clear pill...
that would bring back... enchanced Eddie.
我要报告... 一起谋杀
Hi, I need to report... a murder.
是的 7B
7B, yes.
OK, I won't.
It took them forever.
我站在那里 开始明白...
And the longer I stood there, the clearer I saw.
Vern had know, whoever had done this.
And one guess, what they have been looking for.
But have they found it?
如果在家里做饭 我也没命了
Shit. You are a cook, I'd be dead too.
警察 请开门
Police department. Open the door please.
警察 快开门
Police department. Open the door.
Open the door please!
警察 开门
Police! Open the door!
Open the door!
-露出双手 -我是报警的人
- Let me see your hands! - No, no. I'm the caller. I called you guys!
你们是老朋友 经常在一起?
So you guys been tight? Hang out a lot?
He is the brother of my ex-wife.
我在街上遇到他 他让我去他那里
I met him on the street and he asked me to come up.
-买毒品? -不是 为什么这么问?
- To buy drugs? - No! No. What?
What did this guy do?
我不知道 他是...
He was... I do not know. He was a...
He was a antiques dealer.
-商人 -对 古董商人
- A dealer? - Yes. Antiques.
Like a, like be any just kind of a... chairs.
You know lika a curved wooden legs, things.

That's correct.
爱德华·莫拉 他在这
Edward Morra. He is here.
The victim's sister.
I haven't heard her voice more than ten years.
You were there?
Just before I met him on the street, and... yeah.
Oh my God!
我并不吃惊 他牵扯进一些事里
I wish, I was more surprised, he was involved in some stuff.
I better not to say any more.
对 别说了
No, no. It's a bad idea.
我们也许应该见一面 行吗?
So we should probably meet or something, right?
不知道 我要忙葬礼
I don't know. I gotta do the funeral and...
gods know what else something.
我们不能见面 知道了吗
We can't meet, ok?
好吧 那我们还是在葬礼上见吧
Ok, I guess I'll see you at the funeral then...
不 我不想见你 请别来
No! I don't, I don't want that. Please don't.
I'll call you with some point when this is over.
-好的 那就这样 -嗯
- Ok. All right. - Ok.
有些问题还没弄清 留下你的电话号码
Something is not clear here. Put down your number.
We may contact you later.
Worth the risk?
What would you do?
弗恩的现金 还有那喷涌而出的空前的脑动力
Vern's cash, combined with unprecedented surge motivation...
enabled me to finish the book in 4 days.
一天一颗 能做到的永无止境
A tablet a day, and what I can do with my day was limitless.
I learned to play the piano in three days.
数学变得有用 有趣
Math became useful and fun.
I'm all in there.
Even half listing to any language had became fluid.
所以 你认为莎士比亚甘于平凡?
So Shakespeare empower mediocrity?
There is no argue with you.
This was great.
So mama has been doing research on Helen's tumors.
而根据医学纪录 这个病
And it's totally clear that anybody will familiar with Dumas Pere Porthos...
should be suffer mining Platinum base double gradual mental,
if I could have some ciclopentane acid.
突然间 我明白了一切的一切
I suddenly knew everything about everything.
当然 还有一个暂时性增长
Of course, there is a temporary increase,
but then the collapse of the action is complete after two years.
不会 因为有防护措施
No, cause there are safeguards.
反侵略扩张? 那不存在的
Against the aggressive expansion?
There aren't. 'cause there are no safeguards in human nature.
We are wired to overreach.
Look at history, all the countries has rules and wall.
Portugal with his big massive navy.
All they got now are socks and cheap condoms.
Or the British in their costumes.
没有人认为: 嘿 我们做得相当好
Nobody thinks: hey we are doing pretty well.
我们有朋友 有家园
We got friends, we got home,
we got a big swiss bank account.
You know what? "Let's not invade Russia in winter.
咱们回家喝啤酒吧 利息就够花了"
Let's go home, let's pop a beer, let's live in all the interests".
My brain was full of such things.
所有我读过的 听过的 看过的
Everything I've ever read, heard, seen...
was now organized and availible...
here it is, here you go.
我肯定你有一个投资组合 若没有
Listen, I'm sure you have a portfolio but if not,
I'd be very interested working with you.
好 凯文
Good, Kevin.
我交了新朋友 他们邀请我到海滩游玩
I made new friends who invited me to the beach.
The beach... was not nearby.
我不再畏惧 不再害羞
All my fear, all my shyness... gone.
But it was not enough for me to relax.
唯一的问题是 如果停止前进
only problem, if I wasn't moving forward.
I felt like I was going to explode.
-有人跳过吗 -你疯了吗?
- Anybody ever jumped? - Are you crazy?
-他要跳下去 -不 他不会跳的
- He is gonna do it. - No, he is not gonna do it.
然后 我开始有个想法
Then I began to form an idea.
突然 我知道我应该怎么做
Suddenly, I knew exactly What I need to do.
不是写作 不是出书
It wasn't writing. It wasn't books.
It was much bigger than that
But it will take money to get there.
熊市的时候 没有人能赚很多钱
In the down market, nobody was making much.
But no one had NZT.
用弗恩的8百块 我一天就赚了2千
With Vern's last 800 Dollars, I made $ 2,000 in a day.
第二天 7千5百
Next days, 7500.
It was too slow.
I'd need more capital.
Banks wont lending the guys like me.
He is in the corner back there.
丽芙告诉过你吧 我想借笔短期贷款
Liv told you that I want a short-term loan?
是的 我当时回话说 算了吧
Yes, and I said - forget it.
我从没见过你 而且还没喜欢上你
Because I never seen you before and I don't like you already.
Why would I give you 100,000 Dollars?
Because I quintuple my money 4 days in a row.
-你知道如何钻空子? -不是钻空子
- So you got a fix on the game? - No, not a fix.
I was able to calculate, sir. In pattern of use geogrphics.
如果你看看第四列 这是最初...
If you look at column four, This was the first...
You're good.
好吧 这是钻空子
Ok, its a fix.
Yea, but when you get caught, what you gonna do then?
Well it's not as I if have a black book with your name in it,
还有 我很确定你是我惹不起的人
and besides, I get the strong feeling that you are not somebody I want to disappoint.
不要起来 我说不要起来 坐下
Do not get up. I said don't get up, sit down!
拿了钱 你就属于我了 明白吗
Ok, you take this, and you are mine, you understand?
若你不还 你知道会发生什么?
You don't pay, you know what we do?
I cut you at waist,
peel your skin up over your head and tie a knot in it.
你不会马上丧命 但最终窒息而亡
You dont't die from this, You suffocate.
Good luck.
我的新朋友 凯文·多伊尔 他教我怎样
My new friend, Kevin Doyle show me how you can get...
two and a half time your cash at day trade firm.
I've been up the dose for over a week.
It seemd to cut my learning curve.
为什么买入? 那公司的CEO正面临起诉
Why you buying this? The CEO ist just being indicted.
But not for the big fat defensive contract he bribed into.
That's still on.
It should be announced next week.
我沉浸其中 忘我的亢奋
I was jacked in, booted up.
最后一周完结前 我的银行帐户
At the end of week, My brokerage account...
contained over two million dollars.
Word quickly got out.
You have 19 messages.
4间公司的工作邀请 银行也将信用额度提高
four job offers, My bank raising my let credit...
reporter from the New York Post...
明天请打电话给我 没人能那么快赚钱
Please call me back tomorrow, no one makes money that fast.
不管回不回应 文章都将刊登
Article will be published with or without you.
最后 凯文·多伊尔装作偶然地告诉我
And finally, Kevin Doyle trying to sound casual.
爱迪 我跟我老板谈过你 也许可能
Edi, I was talking you to my boss and will be a possible have a...
We got you a meeting with Karl van Loon.
Karl van Loon wants to meet you?
Apparently so.
You know what's a finance gift.
What can you do for Karl van Loon?
Since when do you speak italian?
All has changed for the better.
我猜 自己清醒了
I guess, someone gave me a wakeup call.
I hope you didn't do it for me.
不 我只是想向你道歉
No, I just wanted to apologize to you.
我想让你知道 我不会再自暴自弃
And let you know that apparently my capacity for self-sabotage wasn't boundless after all.
问题是 你为什么要放弃我?
The real question is why did you ever put up with me?
I was in love with you.
So when does the book come out?
下一年 你的新助手怎样了?
Next year. How is your new assistant?
She is good.
那... 你打算...
And... are you gonna getting a...
知道吗 你跟我在一起 我很高兴
You know? I'm really happy you're here with me.
I'm proud of you.
And a little intimidated.
We started up again.
Her place.
My place.
Basiclly every place.
"三天的掠夺式交易 不明身份的莫拉先生"
"In a seizing three days trading, the unknown Mr. Morra...
"莫须有的市场 《顶端提示》卡特伦·曼多发表评论说"
trumped the market, Prompting One Top Katron Mando to comment."
"他是魔术师 他是先知 "
"He is Houdini, he is a prophet of our times. "
行了 给我
OK, give me that.
-他是神? -晚一点来我家?
- He is god!? - You coming over later?
去不了 我没有钥匙
I can't. I don't have a key.
Oh, that's right.
Can I have it back?
-不 -不?
- No - No?
一定要那间公寓的钥匙? 新公寓的钥匙可以吗
I mean, does it have to be that key? Can it be a new key?
Our place.
It'll be cost-effective.
And you say I am not practical.
Can I walk you to work?
亲爱的 在看什么?
What are you doing, honey?
You should sleep.
Isn't your Van Loon meeting tomorrow?
Are you okay?
What are you doing here?
When is the last time you ate something?
你在这 报纸上都是你
Here it is. Nice Article on the post.
He is on his way.
我警告你 他很善变
Now be warned, he is mercurial.
一分钟前当你是朋友 下一分钟就能吃了你
One minute your best friend, the next you are lapper.
And he needs direct answers.
一个错误 你便会失去机会
One mistake, and you have lost him forever.
I think we should act out some scenarios.
我在进餐 凯文
I am eating, Kevin.
我说 你准备好了吗?
Hey, are you ready for this?
你肯定吗? 我的前途都在这了
Are you sure? 'cause I got a little bit line here.
Have a toast here.
-约翰 -卡尔 很高兴见到你
- John. - Hi, Karl. Good to see you.
-你好 -爱迪
- How are you? - Eddie.
爱迪·莫拉 你的秘密是什么?
So, Eddie Morra, What is your secret?
I am on special medication.
There is a formula with a complex method,
当然研究也不可或缺 大量的研究
but of course research was a component, massive research.
我对所投资的公司了如指掌 其一举一动尽在眼底
I knew absolutely everything, every move the companies that I bought.
Papers stack up like the Himalaya in my office.
And you know what?
-股价上涨 -间不容发
- The stocks went up. - By a hair.
当然 股票价格已经上涨 谁还愿意做那些
Sure the stocks rolls, but who wants to do all that work for...
琐碎的 微不足道的事
a shitty little optic?
That's not the grow people expect from a short-time holding.
So I dispensed with the hard statics and went through to rumor mails.
So your investments are based on the tom-tom speaking industry?
是的 股价并不是真的根据一个公司的运营状况变动
Sure.The shareprice is not really basing how a company works.
Its about how mass psychology works.
So, if I found certail algorithms to predict how stocks grow...
Pattery-ignition, that's your psychology.
不能这么说 这模式不是每个人都能理解
Well, not everybody understands the patterns.
And that give me a little bit more optic,
但这只是部分窍门 所以我还去了3号门
but it's a partly trick, so that why I went on Door Number 3.
Door Number 3: 美国德克萨斯州奥斯丁市的一家广告代理商
You really implying that it's some sort of ultimate formula?
He went from 12,000 to 2.3 million in ten days.
皮尔斯先生 我确实有个公式
I do have a formula, Mr. Pierce.
Delusion of grandeur.
我没有大妄想 只有大秘诀
I have no delusion of grandeur. I have a actural recipe for grandeur.
爱迪 我不知道你是什么人 在玩什么把戏
I don't know who you are, Eddie. And what your game is.
但我能肯定 你的处事方式和我不同
But I'm sure one thing, you don't work in my world.
I was surrounded by investors...
and you have no lines which shows the pride and fear which is...
not the style I like yours any better,
but it is obvious picture you style which we haven't seen before.
看看这些公司 告诉我你的想法
Take a look this companies, tell me what do you think.
-现在? -是的 慢慢看
- Right now? - Yes. take your time.
这些公司都是分散的 对吗
These companies aren't the question, are they?
Unless you playing both sides of the fence...
control the whole power actual a lot.
不对 通过并购市场是没法做到的
No, these companies wouldn't get you there in a merging market.
You would have... Oh! wow!
This must be some big-ass merger you count to plating.
And there really only one company would love blame...
justify the merger with Van Loon associates.
Who've you been talking to?
我只是分析细节 汉克·艾德伍德真的会加入合并?
Oh, I am just connacting the dots. Hank Ed Wood would really go for it?
不管你是个杰出的骗子 还是思维敏捷的年青人
Whether you are amazing con nor you are a so smart young man....
Come on! The two of you together...
The whole world have to come begging for...
energy like Hover Twisness blowed guru.
回到主题上来 你还有什么发现
Now you going backwards. What else you got?
-不会成功 -为什么?
- It won't come off. - Why is that?
-你得应付利比亚 -真的吗?
- You have to back off Lybia - Really?
但是 我不想在车内讨论
But, you dont want here this in a car...
好吧 给你个机会
All right, you get your shout.
Meet me tomorrow for same ages at 10,
你要真是有勇有谋的话 就由你来操作这次交易
and tell me the guts little Shimark on it's right home. You structure this deals.
-你要做足准备 -听凭您的安排
- And you better be prepared. - I am on your disposal.
You don't really live here, do you?
Well, the spartans won't bigger than mensenities.
是么 最终斯巴达人失败了
Yeah, and they eventurally get their asses kicked.
我没回家 想走走 一边走一边吸收 摄取
I didn't go in. I wanted to walk, move, digest, ingest.
There are moments in life, moments, when you know,
你只要跨过那座桥 便是新生
you crossed the bridge, you old life is over.
万隆是我的那座桥 我终于有了出头之日
van Loon was my bridge. Finally I had my shout.
Wall Street would be my steppingstone.
But how far can I go?
首席执行官 跨国公司 甚至总统
CEO? A global force? Maybe president.
假以时日 我会叫世界震惊
Time cellody. Shook up the free world and got the things done.
there was another skip.
How had I gone the last 20 blocks?
又过了10条街 然后发现...
I get another 10 blocks. And then...
I was way uptown.
What bar was this?
A fight?
I don't know how to fight.
or do I?
Set her fingers in her mouth.
Like this.
攻击重要部位 眼睛 脖子 小腹
Attack vital Taek. Eyes, neck, intestines.
无论怎样 不要放弃 破坏他们的平衡
Whatever you do, do not end. Cut out the balance of your attacker.
disrupt the balance. Use the focus of your body.
When it finally stopped.
I couldn't account for the last 18 hours in my life.
是我 我还以为你会来
Hey, It's me. I thought you'd coming over.
你还好吗? 到家给我打个电话
Is everything okay? Call me when you get there.
Even off NZT, I've decided to give Van Loon's files a shoot.
They were hieroglyphics.
-你好 -凯文 我是爱迪
- Hello? - Kevin, this is Eddie.
听好 我不能来参加今天的会议
Listen, I can't make the meeting today.
What you talking about?
我病了 今天不会来
I can not come today. I'm sick.
You can't have the flu right now.
They never give this chance again.
我知道 听我说...
I know, listen. I just...
I looked all this, otherwise.
What you've been doing last day?
凯文 我...
Kevin, I...
你明白吗 这是测试
Don't you get it? This is a test.
明白 但我现在过不了测试
Yes, well. I can't pass the test right now.
And how may I know if you don't.
-我理解 听我说... -你听我说
- I know, listen. I just... - Listen to me...
振作精神 来开会
pull yourself together and get done to the meeting.
好吧 我会去的
OK, ok. I'll be there, I'll be there.
-你好吗 爱迪 -很高兴再次见到你
- Hi. How are you? Eddie? - Good to see you again.

Sit down.
-你知道些什么关于汉克·埃德伍德? -埃德伍德...
- What do you know about Henk Ed Wood? - Ed Wood...
He is an iconoclast...
owns about half of Colardo.
这就是你准备的 爱迪?
This is prepare, Eddy?
这是埃德伍德专题讨论? 每个人都了解他吗
Is this Ed Wood one on one? And does everybody know about Ed Wood.
Where was he two years ago?
两年前 福布斯排行榜还没有他
Two years ago, he wasn't even on Forbes' radar.
这是一个极大的飞跃 对吗?
This is a great big forward, right?
I'm backward this guy,
comes out nowhere, so strong...
has been on the run before I could even get anybody in his camp.
将我挤出了最大两家企业之列 是北半球最好的公司
beats me out of two properties, best companies in the north...
We are in the front of the hotel where a woman...
昨晚在房间内发现一名女性死者 确认为玛丽亚·温伯格
identified as Maria Vinberg, found dead last night in the room.
Police interrogated for several hours Employees at the hotel.
witness saw a man together with the victim.
我们要怎么说服他 有什么主意?
How can we convince him to be in this game, got any ideas?
What do you think?
I guess you're not one of those guys, are you? Eddy.
We lose you if there's a screen in the room?
世界在旋转 时间在流逝
There are tectonic plates which are shifting right under us.
Hold on, one second.
这可能吗 我杀了人?
Was it possible? Could I've kill someone.
Was it even me?
爱迪 是梅利莎
Edi? This is Melissa.
弗恩是否给了你一些东西 那些东西很危险
Did Veron give you something? Since these things are dangerous.
能见个面吗? 我要和你谈谈
Can we meet somewhere I have to talk to you.
We talking now.
不 我们下午在比利餐厅见面吧
No, let meet at Billys on afternoon.
爱迪 我不能
Edi, I can't.
Please, come.
这很重要 我真的想知道你说的那个东西
This is important. I really need to know what you talking about.
然后我意识到 还有一些人知道NZT的存在
I realized that there were other people, who might now about NZT.
Vernon's other clients.
你好 我找杰瑞·布兰登
Yeah, hi. Can I talk to Jerry Braden?
Jerry is in hospital.
-为什么? -他精神不太好
- What is it? - Yea, he is not doing well at all.
你好 保罗·卡普兰是吗?
Hello. Paul Kaplan is there?
不在 保罗三天前去世
It is not. Paul died three days ago.
我的天 抱歉
God! Sorry.
他开始是头痛 然后在工作中昏倒
He started getting headaches, then he collapsed at work.
Now he is in ICU.
祝他早日康复 谢谢
Wish him all the best. Thanks.
Of all the people I called...
三个死了 其余的都病了
three were dead, and the rest were sick.
快开 快
Go! GO!
不要告诉我 "我看起来不错" 我知道不好
Do not tell me that I look good, Because I know.
I did not want to see me this way.
You look good.
是的 我设法改变我的生活
Yes, I sorted to get myself together.
NZT will do that to you.
-什么意思? -我也服用过
- What do you mean? - I mean I took it too.
-弗恩没告诉你更多 对吧 -没告诉
- Vernie didn't tell you this, did he? - No.
当他告诉我这药时 我想一探其中的秘密
When we he told me about this new drug I was like down the hedge...
and it was amazing.
I read Brian Green's The Elegant Universe in 45 minutes.
而且我看懂了 明白了
and I understood it.
My productivity has increased the sharply overnight.
And my boss started to hate me.
They offered me his job. Then I got scared.
-为什么? -因为我还没有笨到
- Why? - Why. Because I am not stupid.
Nobody can operate at that level of mental activity and not crush.
I stopped taking it.
-然后? -然后我病了
- And? - And I got sick.
头疼 作呕 因此我回去找弗恩
Headaches, throwing up. So I went back to Veron.
他告诉我服用过的人 都死去了
He talked me about alle the people that would die.
-你吃了多少了? 爱迪 -很多
- How much you've been taking? Eddie. - I'm taking a lot.
Maybe, maybe they worked out bugs.
Maybe it's different batch.
-你现在停药了 对吗? -先说完经过
- You off it right now, aren't you? - Just finish the story.
I didn't take anymore and I didn't die.
After a time I realized that...
I can't concentrate on to anything longer than 10 minutes.
爱忘事 懒的动 行动迟缓
I missed deadlines, got lazy, slow, so slow.
That was two years ago.
I haven't been the same since.
你还有药片么? 很好
You have some left? Good.
回家就吃 减少剂量 不要一下子停药
You go home and take it, reduce the dose, don't just stop,
若直接停药 你会死
You'll die, if you just stop.
试着摆脱掉它 否则 头痛只是个开始
Try to take if off. Otherwise, the headaches are just beginning.
I have to go.
-你知道是谁生产的吗? -我不知道
- Do you know who produces them? - I do not know.
I have to go.
-倒霉 -听着 听着 听我说
- Oh, shit! - Listen, listen. Listen to me.
-你把我忘了是吗? -没有
- You forget about me? - No.
-我现在在这里 -好
- I am here now. - Good.
-跟我来 -我可以写支票给你
-Come forward. -I can write a chque.
支票 你精神不正常?
Chque! Chque! Are you out of your mind?
你认为我是什么 融资机构?
What do you think I am? Some financial institutions?
你说得对 我去银行提给你
You're right. Maybe I just go to the bank.
Where did you got that?
-这是什么? -阿司匹林
- What is it? - It's just aspirin.
I have not seen such aspirin.
这是好东西 对吗?
It's something good, hum?
我感觉很爽 这东西有什么成份?
I feel good, man. What's in this stuff?
It's just errr... vitamins with aspirin.
少胡扯 爱迪
Holy shit, Eddie baby.
琳达 我阻止不了他冲进来
Lindi, he is not allowed to enter, but I could not stop him.
-泰勒 我必须挂了 -我病了
- Tyler, I have to go. - I'm sick.
对不起 我坚持不到回家
I'm sorry! I couldn't make it home.
-我送你去医院 -不要
- You go to the hospital. - No, no, no...
我希望你能为我做些事情 我需要服药
I want you to do something for me. I need my pills.
-爱迪 什么样的药 -亲爱的 这很复杂
- Eddie, what kind of pills? - Honey, it's complicated.
你吃的什么药 你在服毒品?
What did you take? Are you on drugs?
我别无选择 把事情向琳达和盘托出
I had no choice. I told Lindi everything.
这么说你旺盛的精力 过人的专注都是因为这药?
So all these energy of yours, all this focus has been a drug?
I thought it was approved.
I have a supply stash.
-你想我去帮你拿 -不 我去取
- You want me to go get it. - No, I'm gonna go get it.
给我你公寓的钥匙 我去拿
Give me your keys. I go to the apartment.
它不在我的公寓 放在别的地方了
It's not in my apartment. I moved them.
Ok. So where did you move it?
In my house.
-你拿到了? -是的
- You got it? - Yeah.
There someone following me.
-你确定? -确定
- Are you sure? - Yeah.
He got into a cab behind me and he's making every turn I'm making.
亲爱的 报警
Baby, call the cops.
Can you got around him?
-发生什么事 -塞车
- What happened? - We stopped.
He is getting out...
爱迪 他正走过来
Eddie, he is walking over here.
Oh, god!
这个人在追我 从我家一直跟到这
This man is chasing me. He followed me from my building.
我不认识他 帮帮我
I don't know him. Please!
Leave her alone.
你聋了吗? 我说 别靠近她
Are you deaf? I said, leave her alone!
哥们 你是不是要惹我?
Buddy, are you trying to piss me off?
你做什么 伙计?
What are you doing, man?
-你还在吗 -在 我在 -你不要说话 不要动
- Are you still there? - Yeah, I'm here. What happen?
-我困在这了 他会找到我的 -别说话 也别动
- I'm stuck. He'll find me. - Ok, stop talking and don't move.
-他杀死了两个人 -什么?
- He killed two guys. - What?
-他会杀了我 -不 不会的
- He's gonna kill me, too. - No, no, no.
Can you see him?
No, not yet.
I do not know what to do.
你打开袋子 吃一颗药丸
I need you to open the bag and take one of those pills.
because you know what to do. You take it then you know.
他有刀 爱迪 我想不出摆脱的法子
He has a knife, Edi. I can't think my way out of a knife.
那药30秒发挥作用 相信我
Just listen to me, it come out in 30 seconds.
And you think your way out. That's what it does.
He is getting closer.
琳达 我爱你
Linda, I love you.
Now get back to me.
What happened?
爱迪 亲爱的 一切会好起来
Edi, my dear. It's gonna be ok.
You got get out here.
Are you okay?
对于发生的一切 我很抱歉
I'm so sorry for everything that happened.
我想让你知道 这些事情不会再次发生
I want you to know you that you'll never ever have to go thourgh this again.
Cause I can take care of us now.
I'm sure you can.
我们会很安全 我回来了
I can make it safe. I'm back, ok?
-谁回来了 爱迪? -我
- Who is back? Eddie. - Me.
不 这不是你 你跟之前不同
No! It's not you. You were different before.
I am still the same person.
不是的 我也吃过所以我知道
I wasn't when I was on it.
I did things that I would never do.
Those things saved your life.
-但那不是我 -是你 不是你是谁
- But there weren't me. - Yes. There were, nor the where was.
I know how it workes.
我懂 我完全理解 你觉得自己无所不能
I get it, I totally get it. you fell invincible.
Where it will take us that you can't even imagine.
The things we will be able to do.
Where we will be in a year from now.
What kind of life that we'll finally be able to live?
Will you might live it without me?
Look, I'll stop taking them.
有些事必须要做 以保证我们安全
There are some things I need to do to keep us safe and then set us up.
之后我不会再服用 这是我的计划
And then I gonna get off it. That's the plan.
我有计划 我发誓会停止服用
I have a plan. I swear I'm gonna get off it.
I hope you do.
Looking for me?
You think you can run away from me?
You think, I dont know who you are?
I was under the impression, our business is finished.
给我药 不然就地做了你
Well I wish some more of this stuff, or I shoot you right here.
And take a pic.
This guy was not gonna go away.
A few pills would buy me some time.
-给你 两清了 -不一定
- Here it is. We're done. - We'll see.
直至我找到一个... 永久的解决办法
Until I found a more... permanent solution.
Unless you see a real threat I never wonna know...
that I have any security.
你们不要注视我 但要一直跟着
You never perceive me. You'll always follow me.
Never wander 15 steps behind.
And never stand to close together,
如果发生什么 我希望能够看到身后的情况
I wonna be able to look behind me if the opportunity persents itself.
不要穿同样颜色的西装 这不是黑客任务
And don't wear the same color of suit. This isn't the matrix!
爱迪 你要知道 我曾经找过你
You have to know Eddie, I wrote you up.
-我病了 -你不能病
- I was sick. - You don't get sick.
当你到达我这个级数时 就算给车撞了也不能死
You playing at this level, you get hit by a car you don't even die.
-你是绝对正确的 -我知道我是对的
- You're absolutely right. - I know I'm right.
那天我甚至不知道在跟谁 或跟什么在交谈
I mean, I didn't know who or what I was talking to.
-我修定了我的推测 -我没问你推测
- I sent over revised projections. - I didn't ask your projections...
我知道 但是我觉得 假如你能看看
I know, but I think If you look at them...
我已经看了 事实上有问题
I already have. There is matter in fact.
I fired a few people over here projections.
-我很抱歉 -不用抱歉
- I'm sorry. - No, you're not.
你很不平凡 你注意到一些我的团队忽略的事情
You reliefed, you know things that my team has missed.
The minute, the instant... That's no longer true?
Two months after I started NZT.
I was brokering the biggest merger in corporate history.
讽刺的是 这么做肯定残酷 残酷到让人憎恨
Ironically, it's gonna be cruel, cruel just gonna be the word hates me.
Which is your expected profit by 200 percent.
And makes both of us are very happy chambers.
I found out that if I take the same dose remember to eat,
不喝酒 就不会有问题
drink no alcohol the blackouts didn't occur.
汤姆 能帮我加个暗袋吗
Tom, is it possible to construct a secret pocket?
-这件西装? -所有的西装
- On this? - In all of them.
当然可以 先生
Certainly, sir.
My Supplies is now safe,
I had to take care that it doesn't run out.
I can combine these ingredients in the same relation,
but the reaction on the brain...
Dark, it's dark work.
-你的意思是? -临床实验 白老鼠 人体试验
- Meaning? - Needs clinical experiments. guinea pigs, people.
It would take too long.
制药就是这样的 否则可能药死人
This is what it is. Otherwise, you kill people.
You need 12-18 months.
如果你能在6个月内完成 我给你2百万美元
I'll give you two million dollars If you can do it in 6.
It could cost you 30%.
Execuse me for one second.
我以为我已经没有麻烦了 探长先生
I thought we straightend this up, detective.
这不是关于弗恩的 莫拉先生
This isn't about Veron again, Mr. Morra.
And what is this about?
温伯格案的嫌疑人 是这个人吗
The suspect in the case of Vinberg, is this person?
You want tell me where about at night April 2nd?
I couldn't keep this quite on my own.
布兰特·莫里斯 纽约最昧良心的律师
Brant Morris, the most lethal lawyer in New York.
你真幸运 有人打扫过房间
You are lucky, somebody wiped the room.
In the best case, These are unconvincing evidence.
跟我说实话 当时你在那里吗
Just between us, were you there?
I don't remember.
Karl van Loon and Henk Ed Wood they had no idea...
that I could soon be charged with murder.
But Cicorps and another are jacking
for the same industrial concession in Lybia.
我们公司假装不知情 不问此事
Both of our companies are pretending, we are not sniffing out.
How do you know this?
The governmental bribes system is itself corrupt.
So course, information, banks working. Like Anything can be bought.
Go on.
If you take a look at the lower left column in 2008,
five companies were jacking for premission...
before we even took notice.
我的天 他看起来很苍老
Jesus, he looks froze.
-可能是假装的 -他还不到60岁
- Could be an act. - He is not even 60.
爱迪 有决定了? 打算怎么办
So have you decided, Eddie? What you gonna do.
-这件事已经结束了? -我不知道
- This is over? - I do not know.
-你没有给我答案 -你还没有问
- You haven't give me the answer. - You haven't ask the question.
鉴于我的能力和贡献 45怎么样
Well, given the skill and my contribution, let's say 45.
$ 45,000?
爱迪 你要知道
You know, Eddie,
you might think that you will not work for me anymore.
It was a useful experience.
我希望如此 但这并不意味着你有足够的经验
I hope so. I hope that does not mean you have enough of me.
Armed to the next...
为了个人职业生涯的发展 我必须前进
Well, in order for a career to evolve, I have to move on.
And that you even think that, shows me...
you won't be prepared to be on your own.
我意思是说 你要知道你不平凡
I mean, you do know, you're a freak.
这是上帝的礼物 是运气 或是家族遗传
Your way is a gift from God or luck or biological heritage.
是礼物 不是挣得的
A gift. not earned.
你不知道我所知道的 因为你还没有那些经验
You do not know what I know, because you have not earned those powers.
You'll kill us with those powers.
You throw them around like a child.
You did not have to climb up an uneven path.
You have not collected the funds.
you haven't done the time that first merriage a girl with the right father.
You think you can go over all this.
你不曾收买 迷惑或威胁人 以此来提升你的职位
You haven't bribed, charmed or threaten your way to sit at that table.
你从没有过竞争经验 因为你还没有竞争过
You never experienced competition, because you haven't competed.
Don't make me your competition.
我开个价给你 你可以买些想要的玩具
Now I'll open up a line of credit for you. You've been wanted your few "toys".
Hotel rooms were no longer an option.
What I needed, was a bunker.
该建筑以安全为重心 中央控制
The building was constructed in a safe, central control,
armored doors with air lock.
It's unparellel 3 tier security system.
Fortress with a hell of a view.
-要价多少? -850万美元
- What is the asking price? - 8.5 million.
I'll take it.
很明显 他是冲着NZT而来的
Right away, it was obvious , he was on NZT.
下星期 我要20颗
Next week, I gonna need 20 pills.
Next week, you can go fuck yourself.
Not that you feel anything.
I don't think your fortune 500 finacial friends...
would appreciate the details of your little dilemma with the police.
星期四 我会在这等药丸
Thursday, I am gonna need the pills here.
Getting smarter...
显然 这不能再继续下去
Obviously, this can not go on.
But there is very little on this earth...
that 40 million dollars can't solve.
Tomorrow at 9:00, Ed Wood would sign the papers.
Do you wonna call them?
-伤风? -昨晚是那么说的
- Coryza? - It's all last night for tell us that.
-有回话吗 -我会再打一次 先生
- Anything? - I call again, sir.
决定也许会改变 没必要卑躬屈膝
Okay, the decision could change. That make sense that's the curtsy doesn't.
It's still on.
Oh, basing on your charts and projections?
也许你应该提醒我 你是谁?
Maybe you remind me, who are you anyway?
对不起 卡尔 这家伙惹我反感
I'm sorry, Karl. this guy is pissing me off.
-他的态度... -丹纳姆 收回你的话
- Because the... - Dunham, pull it back.
打扰了 万隆先生 埃德伍德夫人在您的办公室
Excuse me. Mr. Van Loon, Missis Ed Wood is in your office.
埃德伍德夫人 我是卡尔·万隆 这是我的同事莫拉先生
Mrs. Ed Wood. Karl Van Loon. My associate, Mr Morra.
-我想让这件事尽可能的保密 -当然
- I wanted to make this as confidental as possible. - Of course.
我丈夫今早感到头痛 头晕
My husband has experienced some pain and dizziness this morning.
He is currently analyzed, and going tests.
我只是想让你知道 我们非常希望签署这个合同
I just want you to know we have every intention of signing the contract.
一旦他恢复正常 我们就继续进行
And as soon as he is able, we will proceed.
我知道这是陈词滥调 但如果有任何需要
I realize that this is a useless platitude, but if there is anything we can do...
dont't hesitate to tells us.
我们乐意为您提供任何帮助 埃德伍德夫人
We want to provide you with any help, ma'am Ed Wood.
先生们 谢谢 我会记住你们的好意
Thank you, gentlemen. I relay on your digression.
There would be approximate.
A person like him giving away the power for turning?
Hope he will get better.
但埃德伍德没有好转 因为他没有NZT了
But Ed Wood wouldn't get better. Because Ed Wood was out of NZT.
Why would me surprised?
I wonder how many other successful people might be explained by NZT?
至少我仍有一些药 生命还没受到威胁
At least I had some. My life wasn't in jeopardy.
And we at here.
Only my money, and my liberty.
I've been all over them.
他们无论种族 身材 衣着
We can not allow any disparity in race or physical type.
between you and the rest of the suspects.
they are close to your clones as its possible as you could get.
就好像是同一个大帅哥 模糊难辨
It's gonna be just one big handsome blur's guy.
Who was out there?
Woman's husband?
Hotel maid?
Was this how it's going to end?
没确定 他昏头了
Nothing in this clue, he was dizzying.
"右边数第三个 不 不是他"
"He was the third from the right. No, not him." Here you go.
很好的西装 量身订做的吗
This thing is a beauty. custom-made?
I did.
Market speculates today. The doubt has been yo-yo in this speculation at...
Van Loon associates and Henk Ed Wood are negotiating about a merge.
Have you been talk to anyone?
我没有跟任何人谈起过 卡尔 我又不傻
I haven't been talk to anybody, Karl. I'm not stupid!
我知道你不傻 但聪明的人多会犯一些小错误
I know that you're not stupid but don't make the classic smart person's mistake.
Do you think that there is none smarter than you.
Where the hell have you been?
This is the second time and the disappearance.
就在楼里喝咖啡 为什么问 我错过了重要时刻?
I was in the building. I was getting coffee. Why? Is it been a moment?
是的 重要时刻 埃德伍德陷入昏迷状态
Yes, It's been a moment alright. Ed Wood is in a coma.
他没有耍我们 而是快死了
He wasn't playing us, he is dying.
What do you know about this?
I was less than usually equipped answer.
I noticed, that I was overdue to take my NZT.
And the pain was starting behind my eyes.
Excuse me.
You are not excused.
卡尔 你的员工解手也不行?
Your employees aren't allowed to take a piss, Karl?
律师 警察 还是更衣室的人拿去了
It was Brant, or someone else the police station, cloakroom.
Mr Morra...
莫拉先生 您有一个包裹
Mr Morra! This just came for you.
我再问你一次 爱迪 你知道些什么?
I ask you again, Eddie. What do you know about this?
-关于消息走漏? -不是 关于埃德伍德
- What about? The leak? - No, about Ed Wood.
What about Ed Woodu?
想骗我 你还不够老道
You got a long way to go as a liar.
卡尔 我不知道这些...
Karl, I do not know what...
听 你所说的都是废话
Listen, what you about to say is bullshit!
我知道你是隐藏了些什么的 我已经察觉到了
There is something you hiding from me, I smell it on you!
现在 我想知道这笔交易怎么就作废了
Right now, I want to know why is this cluster fuck of deal is dead in the water!!
今天 在莱诺克斯山医院附近
Today, near the Lennox Hill Hospital today,
more twisting terms about van Loon - Ed Wood merger.
There is absolutely no truth to the rumor of this merger.
None whatsoever.
我丈夫还在医院接受检查 对我们来说这是个困难的时刻
My husband is having tests and it's a difficult time.
如果各位将更多的问题留待下次提出 我将非常感激
We would be appreciate you directing further questions to our returning.
Err, yes. We have no further comments at this time.
We are waiting for results of Ed Wood's test,
and hoping for the best.
爱迪 我知道你在里面
Eddie, I know you're there, Eddie.
Come out.
Come on!
Open the door.
And so, here I am.
I knew that they will kill me slowly and horrible.
But this choice would at least be mine.
But we are instinct creatures.
We want to live.
so my foggy brain tried to remember...
where one tablet of NZT might be...
It was possible,
and possible was enough.
Hi, Eddie.
你知道我需要更多 为什么要让我失望
You know, I want more, so why would you upset me?
I don't like being dumped of this last one.
You do not even know how to use it.
You see, I have dissolved a solution.
You shoot it.
It goes right into the blood and brain.
It lasts much longer.
Are you gonna tell me where the rest is?
不 没这打算
No, probably not.
You know, these guys are gonna find it...
Or I gonna make you tell me.
问题是 哪种方式先找到
The question is, which is gonna come first.
看来 要探讨一番
I guess, we'll find out.
This is a waste of my time, you know.
And I am gefting out of this side of the business...
I'm starting import-export company.
Very exiting stuff.
我给你带来了很多工具 你真幸运
I got a lot on my plate, you're lucky I am here.
要是以前我可能会剥你的皮 活剥了你
Back in the old times. I might peel your skin back, flay you.
剥皮 多美的词儿 我以前都没注意到
Flay. That's a nice word, I didn't notice before.
I had such a poor vocabulary.
但后来我发现一样东西: 谷歌
But then I discovered this thing: Google.
Did you know that the colon is 20 foot long?
我不知道 也不相信
I had no idea, I don't believe it.
这回要亲眼看看 谁让我好奇心重呢 这个词儿也不错
I gotta see this for myself. I am dubios. It's another nice word.
我敢肯定 你也很好奇
Anyway. I am sure you're curious too.
不要担心 都消过毒了
Do not worry, everything is sterilized.
我会留住你性命 好增加一点乐趣
I gonna keep you alive for the whole fun.
You gonna get a reserved place in front, baby!
没有太多的尝试和挣扎 因为我也会死在这里
Not much of a try and fuzzy. because I would die here too.
only NZT could help me...
但剩下的 已溶解在这死人的血液中
and the last one was in this pug's bloodstream.
I do not see anything!
The police will later know that my appartment privious owner...
was an arms dealer.
有一些不满意的客户来报仇 很正常
Of course with some disstatisfied clients.
And the night was still young.
我敢肯定你想知道 你的老板发生了什么事
I'm sure you're curious about What happened to your boss.
I certainly am.
I mean if my turning was really working for saving Mr. Ed Wooda's life,
Why is he dead?
I mean what point was the point to expressible riding with his life sitting medication?
His boss was dead.
So I didn't matter now.
But he didn't appreciate that Moris Brant had kept the pills for himself.
And it was all still possible.
事实上 没有更多门票了
Actually there're no more tickets.
是的 我知道 提前预定的资助人优先
Yes, I know. And over booked fund raisers at first.
他来了 我会问他
Well, here he comes. I'll ask him.
-好多了 做得好 -谢谢您
- Oh, that's much better. Great job! - Thank you, sir.
I taken a looking at second overflowed band.
有一笔巨资打算汇入 他们想保持价位
A wave of donations is coming in. And all are just happy to keep their money.
等等 有个自称是艾文公司的人在办公室内等你
Hold on. A guy from Iven Camcorps in your office.
I have a lunch.
You have two minutes yet for your main sponsor.
-艾文药业公司? -是的
- Iven Camcorps pharmaceuticals? - Yes.
Finally meet the guy who keeps the lights on.
-卡尔? -莫拉先生
- Karl? - Mr. Morra.
What a surprise!
他们告诉我 有人来自艾文
They told me that someone comes from Iven ...
是的 我打算退出能源工业
Yes, thats me now. I am moving out of the energy business.
Come on!
That's like Hefner move out of the mansion.
几个月前我买了艾文药业 我很惊讶你还没听说
I bought Iven several months ago. I'm surprised you didn't hear.
没听说 我这里很忙
No, no! Well... I gonna keep me up here.
是收获的时候了 莫拉参议员
That's gonna pay off, Senator Morra.
参议员 谁估计的到?
The Senate... Who knows?
这能让事情发展得更顺利 对吗爱迪?
Anything is possible from here, isn't it, Eddie?
你我都知道 你能维持这种状态的关键是什么
I think we both know where it's heading if you can maintain.
你有没有想过 药吃完后怎么办?
Have you asked yourself, what you gonna do when you run out?
-你都知道些什么 -这有关系吗 反正我就是知道了
- What did you know? - Does it matter? I know now.
I wish you'd come to me at first, Eddie.
I could have bought Iven at 33 a share.
We could have been partners.
So Iven makes NZT.
Well. It'll never officially exist.
当然 你具有的有利条件无需多说
Obviously, I don't need to point out the advantages for you.
Oh I think, maybe you do.
无限量的供应 但你再也得不到
Unlimited supply. We know, you can't get anymore.
Are you sure about that?
I shut down your lab this morning.
爱迪 我只想帮助你
Eddie, I just want to help you, that's all.
继续供应你 不会让你心烦意乱 记在心里就好
Keep your supply, no distraction service. Give a piece of mind, that's all.
In return I do what?
也许给我点建议 我不会麻烦你太多
Give a little advice maybe, I won't be bother you much at first.
以后呢 会是什么事?
Later. What would bother me with?
有一些雄心勃勃的想法 我们认为是可行的
We have some ambitious ideas, We think that is achievable.
-若我不太喜欢你的主意? -那只能祝你万事如意了
- And if I don't like your ideas? - Then, we'll say godspeed.
你的辉煌将会继续 但象烛光般短暂
And your candle will shatter brief of lovely light.
你不用现在答覆我 爱迪
Do you know what I mean? Eddie. Let's not go there right now.
Right now, I just want to keep you brillant and healthy.
走吧 一起吃个午饭
Come on, let's go get some lunch.
您先请 参议员
After you, Senator.
谢谢你的支持 卡尔
Thanks for your stand by, Karl.
Give us a second.
What are you doing?
Do you want to be president of United States?
还是脑血管阻塞 中风?
Or braindead, stuck full of tubes?
I'll take my chances.
你的机会不存在 我们已经关闭了你的实验室
I told you, your chance don't exist. We have shut down your lab.
Don't you think the smartass who created NZT...
might have 3, 4 other labs?
那又怎样? 已没有工厂可以制造它了
So what. You're not making anymore.
没错 所以我找到了一个解决方案
That's right. I got something better.
我已重新设计 改良和修正了它
See once you know what's in it you can tweak, re-engineer, get the bugs out.
咱们各走各的 卡尔
I am off, Karl.
Even so, there is no scenario you are not gonna work for me.
你打算怎么付我薪水? 用香烟
How you gonna pay me? In cigarettes?
-去年你有17次内幕交易 -你在威胁我吗?
- Last year you traded insider information 17 times. - You threating me?
来自迪拜的支票 对智利的倾销 消失不见的官员
Like cheques from Dubai, dumping in Chile, disappeared officals.
Do you want a war with me?
相信我 当我说这些的时候 可没有发挥想象
Trust me when I say this I am not even being creative.
你不能在给我安上一堆罪名后 还想活着离开
There's no way you can make accusations like that and walk out alive.
你怎么想是你的事 如果你想斗 我会准备好
Then you would even think that's yours. I want to prepare you want to fight me.
You are no longer equipt to fighe me.
Do you think I didn't learn anything?
My story does not mention you on it?
You have no idea what kind enemy I am...
That van is going rear on that taxi.
货车时速80公里 而司机正在发短信
The driver writes a text message and go 80 km per hour.
He must have points with braking at 18 meters from a taxi!
我看得到这一切 卡尔
I see everything, Karl.
我领先你50步 并领先于所有人
I'm 50 moves ahead of you and everybody else.
What make you think I don't have a guy with bid on you right now?
How do you know that you will be alive next year this time?
你在干什么? 放开你的手
What are you doing? Put your hands off me!
心肌泵血力量只有正常的一半 应该是扩张型心肌病
Heart is pumping with half power Walls of your heart are dilated.
Aorta is in motion. Soon you need this replaced.
You already knew that.
You know you should be glad about this.
若我来帮你做事 你只能当跟班
Cause me working for you, you'll end up as my bitch.
Maybe we should cool off and talk again.
I don't think so.
Don't forget to vote.
爱德华 顺利吗?
Edward, you good?
嗯 跟你说了我约了人吃午餐
Yeah, told you I have a lunch.
-抱歉迟到了 -别在意
- I am sorry, baby. - Hey, don't worry.
-今天过得怎么样? -不能更好了
- How's your day gone? - Perfect better.
I still can't get used to this haircut.
I wouldn't even recognize you on the street.
All I am a new man.
I've already ordered.
担担面 2个猪油饼
Can I have Szechuan dandan noodle. 2 Crullers with lard.
Stir fried lobster with spring onion.
I don't want MSG in any dishes.
Neck scarf will keep your suit clean.
But it can't keep my hans clean.
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