Module clone guide
Author profile: carnuke
carnuke is the Xoops Documentation Team Lead and a member for the Article Module Group.
The "Article" module framework makes it pretty simple for cloning a module.
To make a clone
Step #1: change all template file names under /templates/ and /templates/blocks/ starting with "article" (new module dirname). For example, change article_index.html to newarticle_index.html
Step #2: edit file "include/vars.php", set the value for $GLOBALS["ART_DB_PREFIX"], for say, "artdb"
Step #3: edit all mysql files under /sql/, change prefix value of all tables to the specified value "artdb". For example, change "CREATE TABLE `art_article`" to "CREATE TABLE `artdb_article`"
Step #4: install the cloned module as regular
To make a clone
Step #1: change all template file names under /templates/ and /templates/blocks/ starting with "article" (new module dirname). For example, change article_index.html to newarticle_index.html
Step #2: edit file "include/vars.php", set the value for $GLOBALS["ART_DB_PREFIX"], for say, "artdb"
Step #3: edit all mysql files under /sql/, change prefix value of all tables to the specified value "artdb". For example, change "CREATE TABLE `art_article`" to "CREATE TABLE `artdb_article`"
Step #4: install the cloned module as regular